Then we met Darcy.....
Darcy joined our family in October at 8 weeks. She was another Labradoodle, and came to us from a wonderful family (where we met her Mom and her Dad) at WindyRiverPets in Mission, BC. A first generation Labradoodle, she is a gem. Her personality is blossoming - we now communicate through our eyes - and I swear I understand what she is saying. You only know this if you have a dog, but thankfully there is a massive tribe of other crazy dog owners in this world. They get it....
There isn't a day yet that I can say has been as calm as those enjoyed with Mel, but today feels empty and for the first time, I decide I don't want calm. As someone who loves activity, calmness sometimes makes me feel old - maybe bored. Today, Darcy is being spade and at the vet. I dropped her off early this morning and now wait for the call to retrieve her sleepy body who will surely need some family love.
I thank you, Darcy, for bringing such great joy into the house again. I love that we get out hiking together for hours on end exploring the trails together, and that you are my partner in my quest to age well and ensure a healthy active lifestyle. I love that the kids also look forward to coming home because you greet them with that massive swinging puppy tail. You've introduced me to many other dog owners who are a special breed themselves. I don't mind that the house is baby proofed and we have to keep the counters free of food. We hide our socks and put our shoes in the cupboard. Sorry about the baby gate we have between the kitchen and our family room, but for now Darcy, it's maybe short term but sometimes the others need a little bit of calm....
Many of our friends are now thinking of retirement or deciding what their next 50 years looks like as they downsize and live with the empty nest. While we also wonder what our future looks like, for us, we have a lot of life left to live and the energy and love you receive from a dog adds so much to the journey. Funny I know a couple others in the same boat as us who lost family pets and are doing it all over again. Thankfully we aren't alone, and it helps that our adult children are so helpful.

I love you both and I absolutely believe every family should reap the rewards of owning a dog.
You can learn more about Darcy on my social media channels
@TheBoomerVine on Twitter
@TheBoomerVine on Instagram
and check the hashtag #WhatILearnedFromDarcy